>> A Continental Distinction in the Common Law A Historical and Comparative Perspective on English Public Law (Revised Edition with a New Afterword - Paperback)
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A Continental Distinction in the Common Law A Historical and Comparative Perspective on English Public Law (Revised Edition with a New Afterword - Paperback)
ACAC |T Comparative
This book is the first comprehensive historical and comparative analysis of the emergence of English Public law as a distinct branch of law to govern the state. It explains persistent problems and considers potential reforms by contrasting the development of the innovative and influential French system of public law. It attributes the relative inadequacies of English public law to differences between the English and French legal and political traditions.
ACAC |T Comparative
This book is the first comprehensive historical and comparative analysis of the emergence of English Public law as a distinct branch of law to govern the state. It explains persistent problems and considers potential reforms by contrasting the development of the innovative and influential French system of public law. It attributes the relative inadequacies of English public law to differences between the English and French legal and political traditions.
ISBN: 9780198298656
An apartie: 2000
Pret : N/A
ACAC |T Comparative
This book is the first comprehensive historical and comparative analysis of the emergence of English Public law as a distinct branch of law to govern the state. It explains persistent problems and considers potential reforms by contrasting the development of the innovative and influential French system of public law. It attributes the relative inadequacies of English public law to differences between the English and French legal and political traditions.
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