>> A Short History of Medical Ethics (Paperback)
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A Short History of Medical Ethics (Paperback)
ADHE |T Medical Law & Ethics
The current argument over the role of physicians in assisting patients to die constantly refers to the ethical duties of the profession. References to the Hippocratic Oath are often heard. Many modern problems, from assisted suicide to accessible health care, raise questions about the traditional ethics of medicine and the medical profession. However, few know, what the traditional ethics are and how they came into being. This book provides a brief tour of the complex story of medical ethics evolved over the centuries in both Western and Eastern culture.
ADHE |T Medical Law & Ethics
The current argument over the role of physicians in assisting patients to die constantly refers to the ethical duties of the profession. References to the Hippocratic Oath are often heard. Many modern problems, from assisted suicide to accessible health care, raise questions about the traditional ethics of medicine and the medical profession. However, few know, what the traditional ethics are and how they came into being. This book provides a brief tour of the complex story of medical ethics evolved over the centuries in both Western and Eastern culture.
ISBN: 9780195369847
An apartie: 2008
Pret : N/A
ADHE |T Medical Law & Ethics
The current argument over the role of physicians in assisting patients to die constantly refers to the ethical duties of the profession. References to the Hippocratic Oath are often heard. Many modern problems, from assisted suicide to accessible health care, raise questions about the traditional ethics of medicine and the medical profession. However, few know, what the traditional ethics are and how they came into being. This book provides a brief tour of the complex story of medical ethics evolved over the centuries in both Western and Eastern culture.
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