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Cartile categoriei "Carti straine"

Access to Justice as a Human Right (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780199233083
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 340 RON

ACSC |T International Human Rights
This collection of essays examines the problem of securing access to justice in the enforcement of international human rights law. The perspectives included here include access to environmental justice, access to justice for torture victims, and access to justice before international judicial bodies.

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Accessing and Sharing the Benefits of the Genomics Revolution

Autor: Phillips
ISBN: 978-1-4020-5821-9
Categorie: Carti straine
Editura: Springer
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 500 RON

Accessing and Sharing the Benefits of the Genomics Revolution

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Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780199255603
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2003
Pret de la: 475 RON

ACK |T European Law
The contributors to this interdisciplinary collection of essays consider various aspects of accountability and legitimacy in the European Union, issues which are now high on the political agenda. The collection will be of interest to anyone concerned with the future of Europe, from students and academics to policy-m...

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Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780199257102
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2003
Pret de la: 210 RON

ACK |T European Law

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Accountability in the European Union (Hardback)

Autor: Harlow Carol
ISBN: 9780199245932
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2002
Pret de la: 360 RON

ACK |T European Law
This important new book approaches the issue of democratic deficit from the angle of accountability, today seen as an essential element of democratic government. It looks at differing understandings of the concept in the Member States and at various techniques - political, legal, and managerial - by which accountab...

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Accountability in the European Union (Paperback)

Autor: Harlow Carol
ISBN: 9780199245970
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2002
Pret de la: 150 RON

ACK |T European Law

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Accounting in Business 6/e (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780406500564
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1990
Pret de la: 145 RON

The prime objective of this long-established book is to provide the student with a broad perspective of business accounting based upon a sound conceptual framework. It does this by integrating the theory with the application, presenting accounting concepts as simply and directly as possible, and stimulating independent t...

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Action and Value in Criminal Law (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780198260790
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1996
Pret de la: 210 RON

ACAD |T Criminology & Crime
This is a challenging collection of new essays on the theory of criminal law by leading philosophers from the UK, USA, and Canada. Ranging across such central issues as moral luck, mistake, and mental illness, Action and Value in Criminal Law aims to reorientate the study of criminal law, and will be essenti...

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Administrative Court Practice (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780199217083
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2008
Pret de la: 425 RON

ACAG |T Public Law
This new work offers a comprehensive account of practice and procedure in the Administrative Court, providing the practitioner with the information to conduct a case confidently from beginning to end. Written by authors with extensive experience, it is an accessible procedural guide to all the work undertaken in the...

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Administrative Law Facing the Future Old Constraints and New Horizons (Paperback)

ISBN: 9781854316899
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1997
Pret de la: 210 RON

ACT |T Public Law & Judicial Review
This topical companion to the traditional textbook is constructed around the guiding themes of history, current debates and future developments in administrative law and is suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and practitioners.

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Advanced Criminal Litigation in Practice 8/e (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780199227563
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2008
Pret de la: 150 RON

ABIB |T Vocational Law
Combining coverage of key procedural and substantive areas of criminal litigation which the junior practitioner must be aware of, and offering opportunities for the reader to utilise their legal skills in a criminal case context, Advanced Criminal Litigation in Practice equips students with the essential...

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Cartea pe care o cauti
Partenerul saptamanii
Editura Adantis a aparut in lumea editoriala romaneasca din dorinta de a aduce iubitorilor de carte titluri noi si captivante care sa-i ajute sa-si descopere adevarata personalitate, cea de dincolo de barierele impuse de societatea actuala, si sa traiasca in armonie, intr-o lume mai buna.


Pret de la: 37.9 RON
Autor: Tudor Cozari
ISBN: 978-9975-61-4825
Editura: ARC
An aparitie: 2008   Pagini: 160   Format: 125 x 195 mm
Categorie: Alimentatie , Alimentatie

40 de idei pentru amenajarea baii: bugete mici, efecte mari

Pret de la: 10 RON
Autor: Marie Claire
ISBN: House of Guides 56
An aparitie: 2008   Pagini: 96   Format: 165x235 mm


Pret de la: 75 RON
ISBN: 9786065130661
An aparitie: 2009   Pagini: 320   Format: 165 x 210 mm
Categorie: Alimentatie

Ghid complet pentru finantari europene CD

Pret de la: 229.29 RON
Autor: Florian Filat
An aparitie: 2011   Format: CD
Categorie: Alimentatie


Pret de la: 24 RON
ISBN: 978-606-92318-1-4
Editura: ADANTIS
An aparitie: 2011   Pagini: 208   Format: 13/20
Categorie: Alimentatie

Diabetul la adulti si copii

Pret de la: 14 RON
An aparitie: 2007   Pagini: 182   Format: N/A; 0.200 kg
Categorie: Alimentatie , Alimentatie