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Cartile categoriei "Carti straine"

Advocacy Skills 4/e (Paperback)

Autor: Hyam Michael
ISBN: 9781854318725
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1999
Pret de la: 110 RON

ABIB |T Vocational Law
Enables the student practitioner to learn the technique of advocacy by way of an analytical approach. The author believes that the principles of advocacy may be learnt by application and practice. The principles are explained by analysis and illustrated with examples of both good and bad practice.

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After Universalism: Re-engineering Access to Justice

ISBN: 9781405112475
An apartie: 2003
Pret de la: 170 RON

As state spending on legal services has come under pressure, so too has state commitment to equal access to justice. This volume brings together experts from around the world to look at what happens when the notion that justice should be available to everyone, regardless of means, is challenged.

* Explores the impact that...

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Against Capital Punishment The Anti-Death Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994 (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780195132496
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1999
Pret de la: 105 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous
Against Capital Punishment is the first full account of anti-death penalty activism in America during the years since the ten-year moratorium on executions ended in 1976. It traces the successful assault on capital punishment during the 1960s and the struggle of abolitionists against the backlash that h...

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Agreements on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law (Hardback)

Autor: Briggs Adrian
ISBN: 9780199282302
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2008
Pret de la: 820 RON

ACR |T Private International Law & Conflict of Laws
This book analyses the law and practice relating to the classification, drafting, validity and enforcement of contractual clauses relating to jurisdiction, choice of law, arbitration and other types of dispute resolution.

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Alleviating Mistakes Reversal and Forgiveness for Flawed Perceptions (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780199276110
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2004
Pret de la: 385 RON

ACAE |T Jurisprudence
We all make mistakes. Some have unfortunate consequences: we might overpay a debt or make an unfavourable contract, or we might be sued or accused of crime as a result of our mistake. This books asks when the fact that a person made a mistake should entitle them to alleviation, either by reversal of a transaction...

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Alone Together Law and the Meanings of Marriage (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780195110036
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1999
Pret de la: 200 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous
This book explores the ways in which law seeks to accommodate tensions between commitment and freedom in marriage. On the one hand, spouses are members of a shared community, while on the other they are discrete individuals with their own distinct interests. Regan suggests that only close attention to c...

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American Arbitration Law ReformationDSNationalizationDSInternationalization (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780195070620
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1992
Pret de la: 270 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous

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American Juvenile Justice (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780195181173
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2005
Pret de la: 80 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous

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American Law in a Global Context The Basics (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780195167238
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2005
Pret de la: 115 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous
American Law in a Global Context is an elegant and erudite introduction to the American legal system from a global persepctive. There is no basic book that introduces the foreign lawyer who has already studied the law of foreign jurisdictions to fundamental concepts of American law and legal practi...

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American Lawyers (Paperback)

ISBN: 9780195072631
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 1992
Pret de la: 140 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous

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American Legal Thought from Premodernism to Postmodernism An Intellectual Voyage (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780195109665
Categorie: Carti straine
An apartie: 2000
Pret de la: 180 RON

ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous

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Cartea pe care o cauti
Partenerul saptamanii
Editura Adantis a aparut in lumea editoriala romaneasca din dorinta de a aduce iubitorilor de carte titluri noi si captivante care sa-i ajute sa-si descopere adevarata personalitate, cea de dincolo de barierele impuse de societatea actuala, si sa traiasca in armonie, intr-o lume mai buna.

Lisez pour apprendre. Cartea de lectura

Pret de la: 12.5 RON
ISBN: 978-9975-61-5334
Editura: ARC
An aparitie: 2009   Pagini: 48   Format: 166x210 mm
Categorie: Harti , Harti , Harti , Harti

Dictionar de biologie

Pret de la: 15 RON
ISBN: 9975-61-302-0
Editura: ARC
An aparitie: 2003   Pagini: 188   Format: 16,5x24 cm
Categorie: Harti , Harti , Harti

De ce munca e de KKT - si cum putem schimba asta

Pret de la: 9.63 RON
ISBN: 9786065130500
Editura: Editura LHR
An aparitie: 2009   Pagini: 144  
Categorie: Harti


Pret de la: 38 RON
An aparitie: 2008   Pagini: 104  
Categorie: Harti , Harti , Harti

Inimaginabil - Cine a supravietuit dezastrelor si de ce

Pret de la: 14.45 RON
Autor: Amanda Ripley
ISBN: 978-606-51-3039-7
Editura: Editura LHR
An aparitie: 2009   Pagini: 270   Format: 155x230 mm
Categorie: Harti , Harti


Pret de la: 26 RON
Autor: Lidia Butu
ISBN: 978-606-92318-0-7
Editura: ADANTIS
An aparitie: 2010   Pagini: 224   Format: 13/20
Categorie: Harti