Autorul, scenarist, realizator şi actor este cunoscut mai ales pentru filmele Quasimodo d’El Paris, Ma femme s’appelle… Maurice, L’incontrôlable. În această comedie neagră plină de suspans, un omagiu adus Agathei Christie, Raffy Shart conturează un portret extrem de acid al mediului cinematografic. Viaţa bate filmul?...
ACB |T Arbitration
ACAD |T Criminology & Crime
This book is a collection of original essays offering the first full-length consideration of the problem of strict liability in the criminal law: that is, the problem of criminal offences that allow a defendant to be convicted without proof of fault. Because of its potential to convict blameless persons, str...
‘Drawing on his long and practical experience [the author gives] guidance which only the foolhardy would reject without good reason for doing so. With this manual beside him, many an arbitrator will, I feel sure, sleep the sounder.’ - The Rt Hon The Lord Bingham of Cornhill.
The preparation of an arbitrator's award requires...
Arguing Fundamental Rights
This book describes and critically analyses the formal constitutional changes that have taken place in the Asia-Pacific region, embracing the countries of East and South East Asia and Pacific Island states. In examining the variety amongst constitutional systems operating in the region, it asks several key questions: What constitutional a...
Aspects of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Southern Ocean
ACW |T Tribunals
This book looks comparatively at the process of legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide and its effects, examining how the way in which assisted dying is legalized affects the kind of regime that is produced. It suggests that the experience of one jurisdiction cannot readily be translated to another, arguing fo...
At the Crossroads: The World Trading System and the Doha Round
Researched over a period of 15 years by an author who has personally participated in the debate internationally, Audio-Visual Coverage of Courts is the first book to undertake a comprehensive comparative study of televised court proceedings in Great Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Exhaustive in his identific...
ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous
In this book, Haley argues that the weakness of legal controls throughout Japanese history has assured the development and strength of informal community controls based on custom and consensus to maintain order - an order characterized by remarkable stability with an equally significant degree of autono...