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Cartile categoriei "Drept public"

Asia-Pacific Constitutional Systems

ISBN: 978-0-521-03341-1
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 120 RON

This book describes and critically analyses the formal constitutional changes that have taken place in the Asia-Pacific region, embracing the countries of East and South East Asia and Pacific Island states. In examining the variety amongst constitutional systems operating in the region, it asks several key questions: What constitutional a...

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Biodiversity Conservation, Law and Livelihoods: Bridging the North-South Divide

IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies

ISBN: 978-0-521-88503-4
An apartie: 2008
Pret de la: 401 RON

The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies’ third colloquium brought together more than 130 experts from 27 nations on nearly every continent. This book brings together a number of the papers presented there and offers a global perspective on biodiversity conservation and the maintenance of sustainable cultures. It addresses...

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British Government and the Constitution

Text and Materials

Autor: Colin Turpin
ISBN: 978-0-521-69029-4
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 176 RON

The first five editions of this well established book were written by Colin Turpin. This new edition has been prepared jointly by Colin Turpin and Adam Tomkins. This edition sees a major restructuring of the material, as well as a complete updating. New developments such as the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 and recent case law concerning...

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Cases and Materials on the English Legal System

ISBN: 978-0-521-67540-6
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 150 RON

This title, a companion volume to The Law Making Process, is the definitive collection of cases and materials on the workings of the English legal system. Written by the foremost scholar in the field, it surveys how the law functions from the trial process (from pre-trial proceedings to the funding of trials), the role of the jury, and th...

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European Union Public Law

Text and Materials

ISBN: 978-0-521-88237-8
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 351 RON

Since its publication in 2006, European Union Law has quickly established itself as one of the leading textbooks in the field, providing the student with both a comprehensive text and collection of materials. European Union Public Law brings together those sections of the title which look at the constitutional and institutional law of the...

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European Union Public Law

Text and Materials

ISBN: 978-0-521-70902-6
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 150 RON

Since its publication in 2006, European Union Law has quickly established itself as one of the leading textbooks in the field, providing the student with both a comprehensive text and collection of materials. European Union Public Law brings together those sections of the title which look at the constitutional and institutional law of the...

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Judicial Reasoning under the UK Human Rights Act

Autor: Helen Fenwick
ISBN: 978-0-521-87633-9
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 251 RON

Judicial Reasoning under the UK Human Rights Act is a collection of essays written by leading experts in the field, which examines judicial decision-making under the UK’s de facto Bill of Rights. The book focuses both on changes in areas of substantive law and the techniques of judicial reasoning adopted to implement the Act. The contri...

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The Constitutional Systems of the Australian States and Territories

Autor: Gerard Carney
ISBN: 978-0-521-86305-6
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 602 RON

This book outlines the constitutional systems of the six Australian states and ten Commonwealth territories. It begins with their history, basic features, role and future within the Australian federation. Its primary focus is on the binding constitutional restrictions which impact on their parliaments and governments. These issues are als...

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The Constitutional Systems of the Australian States and Territories

Autor: Gerard Carney
ISBN: 978-0-521-68172-8
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 181 RON

This book outlines the constitutional systems of the six Australian states and ten Commonwealth territories. It begins with their history, basic features, role and future within the Australian federation. Its primary focus is on the binding constitutional restrictions which impact on their parliaments and governments. These issues are als...

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The Council of Europe and Sport

ISBN: 978-90-6704-239-0
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 301 RON

The Council of Europe and Sport: Basic Documents is the second volume in the Asser series of collections of documents on international sports law, containing material on the intergovernmental (inter-state) part of international sports law. The European Union and Sport: Legal and Policy Documents was the first volume devoted to the Europea...

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The English Historical Constitution

Continuity, Change and European Effects

ISBN: 978-0-521-87814-2
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 251 RON

The fundamental legal and institutional changes of recent decades have brought the English constitution into question. Accompanying issues have been the extent to which its traditional character and main features have been changed, lost their former appeal and retained their distinctness in the European Union. These issues are not readily...

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Cartea pe care o cauti
Partenerul saptamanii
Editura Adantis a aparut in lumea editoriala romaneasca din dorinta de a aduce iubitorilor de carte titluri noi si captivante care sa-i ajute sa-si descopere adevarata personalitate, cea de dincolo de barierele impuse de societatea actuala, si sa traiasca in armonie, intr-o lume mai buna.

Dieta si hrana

Pret de la: 22 RON
ISBN: V&S 10
An aparitie: 2008   Pagini: 598   Format: N/A; 0.600 kg
Categorie: Studii , Studii , Studii , Studii

Dilema omnivorului - O istorie naturala despre patru moduri de alimentatie

Pret de la: 9.63 RON
ISBN: 9786065130456
Editura: Editura LHR
An aparitie: 2009   Pagini: 432  
Categorie: Studii , Studii , Studii


Pret de la: 98 RON
ISBN: V&S 48
An aparitie: 2009   Pagini: 3150   Format: 3140 g
Categorie: Studii , Studii


Pret de la: 65 RON
ISBN: Amaltea 180
Editura: AMALTEA
Categorie: Studii , Studii , Studii

Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane

Pret de la: 38.25 RON
ISBN: 973-616-067-x
An aparitie: 2006   Pagini: 528   Format: 3 x 15 x 21 cm
Categorie: Studii , Studii , Studii , Studii , Studii