Intr-o epoca a vitezei si a stresului continuu, am inceput din ce in ce mai des sa privim si sa invatam de la Natura. Sa vedem cum ne poate vindeca ea de bolile secolului carora medicina nu le mai face fata. Cu ajutorul plantelor se pot trata o sumedenie de afectiuni, cum ar fi: astmul, eczemele, artrita reumatoida, migrena, oboseala cron...
Stiati ca din cultivarea ecologica a legumelor va puteti imbogati? Ganditi-va numai ca un kg de legume ecologice se poate vinde la un pret dublu fata cel al legumelor "de rand". Daca v-ati hotarat sa incepeti cultivarea legumelor in sistem ecologic, lucrarea Afaceri la cheie - Cultivarea legumelor in sistem ecologic este cel mai bun spri...
The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies’ third colloquium brought together more than 130 experts from 27 nations on nearly every continent. This book brings together a number of the papers presented there and offers a global perspective on biodiversity conservation and the maintenance of sustainable cultures. It addresses...
De ce fiecare specie este atât e preţioasă? De ce apa nu se opreşte niciodată din cădere? De ce efectul de seră este un lucru bun? De ce gaura din stratul de ozon nu este o adevărată gaură? Cum este poluată apa de către ploaie? Cum să facem pentru a păstra zăcămin...
This book provides a comparative analysis of environmental regulation in multi-jurisdictional legal and political systems, focusing on the United States, the European Union, and the international community. Each of these systems must deal with environmental interdependencies that cross local borders. Some transjurisdictional environmental...
This book examines environmental law from a range of perspectives, emphasising the policy world from which environmental law is drawn and nourished. Those working within the discipline of environmental law need to engage with concepts and methods employed by disciplines other than law. The authors analyse the ways in which legal activitie...
Through a detailed analysis this book examines the role of law in European Union integration processes through the implementation of the EU Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control at European Level and in the UK and Germany. The book questions traditional conceptions which perceive law as the ‘formal law in the books’...
The fifth and final volume of the International Environmental Law Reports collects together eighteen decisions from international tribunals. As well as decisions of the International Court of Justice, the volume includes decisions from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, various arbitral tribunals and the United Nations Com...
This book surveys the global experience to date in implementing land-use policies that move us further along the sustainable development continuum. The international community has long recognized the need to ensure ongoing and future development is conducted sustainably. While high level commitments towards sustainable development such as...
How can we best protect the polar marine environment against pollution? Leading scholars on environmental law, the law of the sea, and Arctic and Antarctic affairs here examine this important question. To what extent do existing global instruments of environmental protection apply to the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean? Can the arrang...
The environmental devastation caused by military conflict has been witnessed in the wake of the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Kosovo conflict. This book brings together leading international lawyers, military officers, scientists and economists to examine the legal, political, economic and scientific implications of wartime damage to...