Is private regulation of the Internet over? Have states taken over? This book examines the function of self-regulation in cyberspace. It argues that, contrary to what is often supposed in the literature, self-regulation is still an indispensable part of regulation of the Internet and will arguably remain so. It is intricately woven in the...
Avantajele trimiterii angajatilor in somaj tehnic!
O.U.G. nr.4/5 februarie 2010 privind reglementarea unor masuri de protectie sociala pentru anul 2010, publicata in M. Of nr. 93 din 10 februarie 2010 prevede scutirea de la plata contributiilor sociale pentru indemnizatiile de somaj tehnic timp de cel mult 90 de zile.
Ediţie îngrijită şi traducere Dr. Florin Ciutacu.
Studii de Drept Privat Comparat.
Studii de Drept privat comparat.
Avand ca obiect de studiu teoria generala a dreptului afacerilor, prezenta lucrare abordeaza tematica fundamentala din domeniu, fiind structurata in trei parti:
Notiunea si izvoarele dreptului afacerilor; Raportul juridic de dreptul afacerilor -fapt de comert; Comerciantii – subiecti ai dreptului afacerilor ;
The Bank for International Settlements Arbitration (2002 and 2003) concerned the compensation to be paid for privately held shares recalled by the Bank for International Settlements on 8 January 2001. The issues in dispute included the lawfulness of the recall of the shares and the applicable standards for valuation of those shares, the a...
With the forces of globalization as a backdrop, this casebook develops labor and employment law in the context of the national laws of nine countries important to the global economy - the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, France, China, Japan and India. These national jurisdictions are highlighted by considering international labor standar...
The Iron Rhine Arbitration (or ‘Jzeren Rijn’ as it is known in Dutch) decided, in 2005, a dispute between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the reactivation of the Iron Rhine railway linking the port of Antwerp, Belgium, to the Rhine Basin in Germany across certain parts of Dutch territory. The Arbit...
The adoption by companies of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies is routinely characterised as voluntary. But if CSR is self-governance by business, it is self-governance that has received a firm push from external social and market forces, from forces of social accountability. Law is also playing a more significant role than t...