Seminarul National de Salarizare, Contributii si Asigurari Sociale Modificarile principale ale actelor normative din Codul Muncii ne afecteaza in mod direct. De bine de rau, in contabilitate si salarizare lucrurile explicate corect sunt intelese de toata lumea. Asa ca alegeti varianta cea mai simpla: participati la Seminarul Nation...
Cat de placut ar fi sa aveti un instructor personal pentru intocmirea situatiilor financiare?
9 Studii de caz si notele explicative la situatiile financiare specifice INSTITUTIILOR PUBLICE
Din pacate nu exista document contabil care sa nu ridice intrebarea: cum se aplica legea in cazul de fata? Si va intreb: cum intocmiti...
Avantajele trimiterii angajatilor in somaj tehnic!
O.U.G. nr.4/5 februarie 2010 privind reglementarea unor masuri de protectie sociala pentru anul 2010, publicata in M. Of nr. 93 din 10 februarie 2010 prevede scutirea de la plata contributiilor sociale pentru indemnizatiile de somaj tehnic timp de cel mult 90 de zile.
Avand ca obiect de studiu teoria generala a dreptului afacerilor, prezenta lucrare abordeaza tematica fundamentala din domeniu, fiind structurata in trei parti:
Notiunea si izvoarele dreptului afacerilor; Raportul juridic de dreptul afacerilor -fapt de comert; Comerciantii – subiecti ai dreptului afacerilor ;
The African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights came into force in 1986, and is unique in that it lacks a precedent. However, little scholarship exists analysing it as an operational system in practice. The success of the first edition of this book has led to this updated second edition. Contributors include experts who have been activ...
The Bank for International Settlements Arbitration (2002 and 2003) concerned the compensation to be paid for privately held shares recalled by the Bank for International Settlements on 8 January 2001. The issues in dispute included the lawfulness of the recall of the shares and the applicable standards for valuation of those shares, the a...
The Blackwell Companion to Law and Society is an authoritative study of the relationship between law and social interaction. Thirty-two original essays by an international group of expert scholars examine a wide range of critical questions. Authors represent various theoretical, methodological, and political commitments, creating the firs...
The Codex Alimentarius Commission was established in 1962 by the FAO and the WHO as a subsidiary organ of both organisations, and has been charged with the creation of the Codex Alimentarius: a collection of uniformly defined food standards. Its capacity to give effect to its mandate depends upon its institutional framework. The authority...
The environmental devastation caused by military conflict has been witnessed in the wake of the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Kosovo conflict. This book brings together leading international lawyers, military officers, scientists and economists to examine the legal, political, economic and scientific implications of wartime damage to...
The central idea animating environmental impact assessment (EIA) is that decisions affecting the environment should be made through a comprehensive evaluation of predicted impacts. Notwithstanding their evaluative mandate, EIA processes do not impose specific environmental standards, but rely on the creation of open, participatory and inf...
Laws regulating armed conflict have existed for centuries, but the bulk of these provisions have been concerned with wars between states. Relatively little attention has been paid to the enormously important area of internal armed conflict. At a time when international armed conflicts are vastly outnumbered by domestic disputes, this book...