The Iron Rhine Arbitration (or ‘Jzeren Rijn’ as it is known in Dutch) decided, in 2005, a dispute between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the reactivation of the Iron Rhine railway linking the port of Antwerp, Belgium, to the Rhine Basin in Germany across certain parts of Dutch territory. The Arbit...
The Rhine Chlorides Arbitration (2004), one of the few international watercourse arbitrations hitherto conducted, decided the dispute between the Netherlands and France concerning the auditing of accounts relating to the reduction of chloride discharges into the Rhine. France was obliged to undertake certain measures under the Additional...
For nearly three decades, scholars and policymakers have placed considerable stock in judicial reform as a panacea for the political and economic turmoil plaguing developing countries. Courts are charged with spurring economic development, safeguarding human rights, and even facilitating transitions to democracy. How realistic are these e...
This book examines the electoral rights granted to those who do not have the nationality of the state in which they reside, within the European Union and its Member States. It looks at the rights of EU citizens to vote and stand in European Parliament elections and local elections wherever they live in the EU, and at casesMember States of...
Jurnalisti britanici de prestigiu, autorii dezvaluie o fateta a proiectului european pe care birocratii de la Bruxelles se straduiesc din toate puterile s-o ascunda: Uniunea Europeana nu inseamna doar lapte si miere, ci si enorme costuri sociale, politice si economice.