Are foreign investors the privileged citizens of a new constitutional order that guarantees rates of return on investment interests? Schneiderman explores the linkages between a new investment rules regime and state constitutions – between a constitution-like regime for the protection of foreign investment and the constitutional project...
Ultima carte a politologului care a zguduit cercurile academice si publicul larg cu teoria sa despre sfarsitul istoriei. 'De peste o generatie, tendinta politicii mondiale este aceea de a slabi statalitatea. In secolul XX, multe state erau prea puternice: tiranizau populatia si comiteau acte de agresiune impotriva vecinilor. [...] Pentru...
Autorul conceptului de 'soft power' revine cu un studiu amplu ce imbina perfect istoria, filosofia politica, teoria politica si analiza. Fenomenele politice si militare internationale, de la razboiul din Irak la relatiile cu Iranul si Coreea de Nord, de la Orientul Mijlociu la globalizare sunt tratate cu acuratete, pe baza unui aparat teo...
Eseul care a facut voga in lumea intreaga oferind o explicatie revolutionara pentru diferentele de viziune dintre Europa si Statele Unite. 'Pentru juxtapunerea stralucitoare a strategiei si filozofiei, a realitatilor si eticii puterii, a idealului american al justitiei si a idealului european al pacii, cartea lui Robert Kagan este o car...
The development of competition law in the EU can be explored through three interrelated perspectives: the extent to which controversies in economic thinking affect the design of the law; how changing political visions about the objectives of competition law have caused shifts in the interpretation of the rules; and the institution in char...
Atentatele din septembrie 2001 impotriva World Trade Center si a Pentagonului au stupefiat intreaga lume, nu putini fiind cei care considera acea tragica data drept "ziua care a schimbat fata lumii" sau "sfarsitul vechii lumi". Pe de alta parte, avem suficiente motive sa consideram - asemenea lui Ali Laïdi - ca "vechea lume" a disparut n...
This book is the product of a multi-year dialogue between leading human rights theorists and high-level representatives of international human rights NGOs (INGOs). It is divided into three parts that reflect the major ethical challenges discussed at the workshops: the ethical challenges associated with interaction between relatively rich...
This book is the product of a multi-year dialogue between leading human rights theorists and high-level representatives of international human rights NGOs (INGOs). It is divided into three parts that reflect the major ethical challenges discussed at the workshops: the ethical challenges associated with interaction between relatively rich...
An examination of the special character of sport through European law’s microscope reveals the scope of European trade law’s adaptability to the particular context in which it is applied. The story of European sports law told through the case law illuminates the way in which European law is exploited by actors as a lever to prise open...
Since its publication in 2006, European Union Law has quickly established itself as one of the leading textbooks in the field, providing the student with both a comprehensive text and collection of materials. European Union Public Law brings together those sections of the title which look at the constitutional and institutional law of the...
Since its publication in 2006, European Union Law has quickly established itself as one of the leading textbooks in the field, providing the student with both a comprehensive text and collection of materials. European Union Public Law brings together those sections of the title which look at the constitutional and institutional law of the...