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Chemical contaminants in food and human body
Chemical contaminants in food and human body

Chemical contaminants in food and human body

Referent ştiinţific: Prof.univ.dr.Rodica Cuciureanu

Consilier editorial: Prof.univ.dr.ing. Emanoil Bârsan

The monographic piece of work from the following pages contains the main aspects of the chemical contamination of food, which are structured in two parts.

The first chapter shows general aspects concerning health and chemical contaminants, as well as some risks of food poisoning and the impact of chemical pollution of food on public health.

The following chapter shows the results of the identification and evaluation of some chemical contaminants (nitrates/nitrites, pesticides residues,...

Autor: Carmen Hura
ISBN: 973-8188-01-6
Editura: CERMI
An apartie: 2002
Pagini: 130
Format: Academic
Pret : N/A

Referent ştiinţific: Prof.univ.dr.Rodica Cuciureanu

Consilier editorial: Prof.univ.dr.ing. Emanoil Bârsan

The monographic piece of work from the following pages contains the main aspects of the chemical contamination of food, which are structured in two parts.

The first chapter shows general aspects concerning health and chemical contaminants, as well as some risks of food poisoning and the impact of chemical pollution of food on public health.

The following chapter shows the results of the identification and evaluation of some chemical contaminants (nitrates/nitrites, pesticides residues, heavy metals, etc.) from the food consumed in the Eastern part of Romania between 1990 and 2000.

Between 1985-2000, the author has identified and evaluated the contents

Chemical contaminants in food and human body  

Referent ştiinţific: Prof.univ.dr.Rodica Cuciureanu

Consilier editorial: Prof.univ.dr.ing. Emanoil Bârsan

The monographic piece of work from the following pages contains the main aspects of the chemical contamination of food, which are structured in two parts.

The first chapter shows general aspects concerning health and chemical contaminants, as well as some risks of food poisoning and the impact of chemical pollution of food on public health.

The following chapter shows the results of the identification and evaluation of some chemical contaminants (nitrates/nitrites, pesticides residues, heavy metals, etc.) from the food consumed in the Eastern part of Romania between 1990 and 2000.

Between 1985-2000, the author has identified and evaluated the contents of some chemical contaminants (pesticides, heavy metals, nitrates/nitrites) from the human body (maternal, children, young people, old persons), by their determination in the adipose tissue, placenta, maternal milk, serum and urine.

At the end of each chapter is an ample selective references. The fact that we also included the annexes with data on these chemical contaminants ascertained during 20 years, increases the value of this piece of work for those who are interested.

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