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Tough Love
Tough Love

Tough Love

The European Union’s Relations with the Western Balkans

As part of the international presence in the Western Balkans, the EU adopted sanctions, brokered political agreements, launched its first police and military missions and directed economic, legal and administrative reforms to eradicate the root causes of instability. Yet, despite the comprehensive nature of the EU’s involvement, its strategies have been marked by confusion, its actions by concurrent or competing mandates of other international organisations. Steven Blockmans presents legal and political methods of restructuring the international effort in the region, arguing that, under the leadership of the EU, only a ‘tough...

ISBN: 978-90-6704-258-1
An apartie: 2007
Pagini: 400
Format: 245 x 165 mm
Pret : N/A

As part of the international presence in the Western Balkans, the EU adopted sanctions, brokered political agreements, launched its first police and military missions and directed economic, legal and administrative reforms to eradicate the root causes of instability. Yet, despite the comprehensive nature of the EU’s involvement, its strategies have been marked by confusion, its actions by concurrent or competing mandates of other international organisations. Steven Blockmans presents legal and political methods of restructuring the international effort in the region, arguing that, under the leadership of the EU, only a ‘tough love’ strategy based on the application of the conditionality principle can lead to the integration of the Western Balkans into the European mainstream. Academics, practitioners, civil servants and st

Tough Love  

As part of the international presence in the Western Balkans, the EU adopted sanctions, brokered political agreements, launched its first police and military missions and directed economic, legal and administrative reforms to eradicate the root causes of instability. Yet, despite the comprehensive nature of the EU’s involvement, its strategies have been marked by confusion, its actions by concurrent or competing mandates of other international organisations. Steven Blockmans presents legal and political methods of restructuring the international effort in the region, arguing that, under the leadership of the EU, only a ‘tough love’ strategy based on the application of the conditionality principle can lead to the integration of the Western Balkans into the European mainstream. Academics, practitioners, civil servants and students working in international law, EU law and the law of international organisations, and those engaged in relations with the EU and the Western Balkans, will find this book a valuable tool.

• Comprehensive academic analysis of political and legal aspects of EU relations with the Western Balkans since 1990 allows for a contextual understanding of detailed issues • Covers the role and impact of other international organisations in the region (the UN, NATO, OSCE and the Council of Europe), thus offering a comparative analysis of issues usually discussed in isolation • Includes maps, facts and figures of all countries in the region, and a comprehensive chronology of key events in the political history of the Western Balkans.


1. The European Union’s roughest neighbourhood; 2. Role and impact of the UN, NATO, the OSCE and the COE: the Western Balkans lost in the alphabet soup?; 3. The European Union’s actions towards the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Its successor states (1991–2001); 4. The Western Balkans as a testing ground for a common foreign and security policy; 5. The European Union’s application of the conditionality principle to the Western Balkans; 6. Recommendations for reinforcing the European Union’s role in the Western Balkans; A chronology of key events in the history of the Western Balkans.

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