Aflati acum cele 120 de solutii pentru TAXELE si IMPOZITELE impuse prin noul Cod fiscal 2011! Stimati Contabili, Suntem siguri ca v-ati obisnuit deja ca finalul lui decembrie sa aduca cu sine si modificari in legislatia fiscala. Ei bine, nici de data asta nu s-au lasat prea mult asteptate aceste schimbari. 23 decembrie este ziua "de...
Consiliul Juristilor R&S va ofera cea mai noua colectie speciala pentru juristi
37 Modele de Contracte indispensabile oricarui jurist
CD-ul 37 Modele de Contracte indispensabile oricarui jurist cuprinde contracte atent elaborate de catre experti in domeniul juridic pentru a va ajuta sa munciti mai putin, pe bani mai...
Acum va este mai usor sa evaluati si sa dezvoltati performantele profesionale ale angajatilor dvs.!
Descoperiti care sunt Angajatii care aduc profit si care sunt Angajatii pe care ii platiti degeaba!
Cum puteti face diferenta?
Adevarul este ca angajatul bun:
* Nu este cel care se agita cel m...
This book assists the practitioner seeking to enforce a foreign judgment in the United States or a U.S. rendered judgment abroad in navigating the lack of procedural uniformity that exists and in planning strategies likely to ensure effective enforcement. As a handbook, it provides the practitioner with a framework and resources with whic...
Informatii extrem de utile despre acordarea si impozitarea
47 de studii de caz care limpezesc toate neclaritatile aduse de celebra OUG 58/2010
Inregistrarea tichetelor de masa acordate angajatilor
Impozite si contributii pentru masa oferita salariatilor
International criminal law has developed considerably in the last decade and a half, resulting in a complex and re-invigorated discipline. This has impacted directly on the popularity of the study of the subject, particularly on postgraduate law degrees. This textbook serves these courses by providing an introduction to the principles of...
International criminal law has developed considerably in the last decade and a half, resulting in a complex and re-invigorated discipline. This has impacted directly on the popularity of the study of the subject, particularly on postgraduate law degrees. This textbook serves these courses by providing an introduction to the principles of...
Boilerplate, the fine print of standard contracts, is more prevalent than ever in commercial trade and in electronic commerce. But what is in it, beyond legal technicalities? Why is it so hard to read and why is it often so one-sided? Who writes it, who reads it, and what effect does it have? The studies in this volume question whether bo...
Boilerplate, the fine print of standard contracts, is more prevalent than ever in commercial trade and in electronic commerce. But what is in it, beyond legal technicalities? Why is it so hard to read and why is it often so one-sided? Who writes it, who reads it, and what effect does it have? The studies in this volume question whether bo...
CD Acte Normative complete privind Resursele umane, Legislatia Muncii, Salarizarea si Contributiile Sociale
Mai sigur si mai eficient decat orice soft legislativ de pe piata.
(In plus, cu mult mai ieftin)
Cele 20 de acte normative indispensabile departamentului Salarizare - Resurse Umane sunt, in sfarsit, intr-un singur loc. De...
Guvernul a aprobat modificari importante cu privire la legislatia muncii!
Incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2011 - schimbari:
* doua salarii minime brute pe tara (Hotararea Guvernului nr. 1.193/2010 si CCMUN pe anii 2011-2014)
* nu mai avem carnet de munca
* s-a abrogat Legea nr. 130/1999 nemaiexistand obl...