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Cartile categoriei "Relatii intenationale"

The Law of Internal Armed Conflict

Autor: Lindsay Moir
ISBN: 978-0-521-04696-1
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 150 RON

Laws regulating armed conflict have existed for centuries, but the bulk of these provisions have been concerned with wars between states. Relatively little attention has been paid to the enormously important area of internal armed conflict. At a time when international armed conflicts are vastly outnumbered by domestic disputes, this book...

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The Origins of the European Legal Order

ISBN: 978-0-521-03295-7
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 301 RON

This translation of Alle radici del mondo giuridico europeo published in Italy in 1994 is a comprehensive reappraisal of thinking on the common structural features of the various European jurisdictions. Professor Lupoi argues the case for the existence of an earlier system of common law as far back as between the sixth and eleventh centur...

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The Transformation of Citizenship in the European Union

Electoral Rights and the Restructuring of Political Space

Autor: Jo Shaw
ISBN: 978-0-521-67794-3
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 130 RON

This book examines the electoral rights granted to those who do not have the nationality of the state in which they reside, within the European Union and its Member States. It looks at the rights of EU citizens to vote and stand in European Parliament elections and local elections wherever they live in the EU, and at casesMember States of...

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Trade and the Environment

A Comparative Study of EC and US Law

ISBN: 978-0-521-06568-9
An apartie: 2008
Pret de la: 95 RON

Trade and the Environment is a penetrating analysis of the relation between trade and environmental protection policies in the EC and the US. It argues that the international tensions arising from policies designed to protect trade and the environment can be resolved by the free trade provisions of the EC Treaty and the US Constitution, a...

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Tratatul de la Varşovia. Organizaţie politico-militară sub egida Moscovei

ISBN: 978-973-7925-96-1
Pret de la: 18 RON

Studiul epocii contemporane nu poate fi complet fără cunoaşterea mecanismele de constituire şi funcţionare ale acestei alianţe – Tratatul de la Varşovia, subiect quasi-tabu în perioada comunistă. Lucrarea este rodul unei cercetări complexe în arhivele fostului CC al PCR şi în cele mil...

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War Crimes in Internal Armed Conflicts

Autor: Eve La Haye
ISBN: 978-0-521-86073-4
An apartie: 2008
Pret de la: 326 RON

Does international law make individuals responsible for perpetrating war crimes during internal armed conflicts? Eve La Haye explores the content of international criminal law applicable in such conflicts and questions the 1995 finding of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia that responsibil...

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Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law – 2004

Autor: T. McCormack
ISBN: 978-90-6704-224-6
An apartie: 2007
Pret de la: 602 RON

The world's only annual publication devoted to the study of the laws of armed conflict, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed academic articles focusing on this highly-topical branch of international law. The Yearbook also includes a selection of documents from...

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Cartea pe care o cauti
Partenerul saptamanii
Editura Adantis a aparut in lumea editoriala romaneasca din dorinta de a aduce iubitorilor de carte titluri noi si captivante care sa-i ajute sa-si descopere adevarata personalitate, cea de dincolo de barierele impuse de societatea actuala, si sa traiasca in armonie, intr-o lume mai buna.

Viata secreta a apei: Apa cunoaste raspunsul

Pret de la: 26.1 RON
Autor: Masaru Emoto
ISBN: 978-973-87595-4-1
An aparitie: 2007   Pagini: 202   Format: 13 X 20 cm
Categorie: Harti , Harti , Harti , Harti

Incursiune in fitoterapie - policromie

Pret de la: 30 RON
ISBN: V&S 17
An aparitie: 2007   Pagini: 336   Format: N/A; 0.360 kg
Categorie: Harti , Harti , Harti , Harti , Harti

Audit: o abordare integrata

Pret de la: 122 RON
ISBN: 9975-61-290-3
Editura: ARC
Pagini: 972   Format: 20x27,5 cm

1421 - Anul in care China a descoperit lumea

Pret de la: 39.5 RON
Autor: Gavin Menzies
ISBN: House of Guides 89
Pagini: 624   Format: 130x200 mm

50 de sfaturi pentru ingrijirea pisicii

Pret de la: 14 RON
Autor: Arden Moore
ISBN: House of Guides 116
Pagini: 146   Format: 130x200 mm
Categorie: Harti , Harti

Adio, Ringo!

Pret de la: 10 RON
Autor: Traian Tandin
ISBN: House of Guides 110
Pagini: 207   Format: 130x200 mm
Categorie: Harti , Harti