Dreptul de asociere constituie un element fundamental al societăţii democratice, în care concentrarea şi interacţiunea dintre diferitele grupuri sociale este necesară pentru a permite articularea şi conturarea diferitelor puncte de vedere ale cetăţenilor.
Este de observat că libertatea de...
How does IP balance the exclusive rights of innovators with public demand for access to their innovations? How can organizations manage IP strategically to meet their goals? How do IP strategies play out on the global stage? Driving Innovation reveals the dynamics of intellectual property (IP) as it drives the innovation cycle and shapes...
How does IP balance the exclusive rights of innovators with public demand for access to their innovations? How can organizations manage IP strategically to meet their goals? How do IP strategies play out on the global stage? Driving Innovation reveals the dynamics of intellectual property (IP) as it drives the innovation cycle and shapes...
The development of competition law in the EU can be explored through three interrelated perspectives: the extent to which controversies in economic thinking affect the design of the law; how changing political visions about the objectives of competition law have caused shifts in the interpretation of the rules; and the institution in char...
Din cuprins:
Consideraţii introductive asupra dreptului internaţional public şi a societăţii internaţionale.
Capitolul I Obligativitatea tratatelor internaţionale
Principiul pacta sunt servanda în lumina prevederilor Convenţiei de la Viena privind dreptul tratatelor din 1969
This book provides a comparative analysis of environmental regulation in multi-jurisdictional legal and political systems, focusing on the United States, the European Union, and the international community. Each of these systems must deal with environmental interdependencies that cross local borders. Some transjurisdictional environmental...
This book examines environmental law from a range of perspectives, emphasising the policy world from which environmental law is drawn and nourished. Those working within the discipline of environmental law need to engage with concepts and methods employed by disciplines other than law. The authors analyse the ways in which legal activitie...
European Union equality and anti-discrimination law were revolutionized by the incorporation of Article 13 into the EC Treaty, adding new anti-discrimination grounds and new possibilities. This comprehensive volume provides a fresh approach to Article 13 and its directives; it adopts a contextual framework to equality and anti-discriminat...
This book is the product of a multi-year dialogue between leading human rights theorists and high-level representatives of international human rights NGOs (INGOs). It is divided into three parts that reflect the major ethical challenges discussed at the workshops: the ethical challenges associated with interaction between relatively rich...
This book is the product of a multi-year dialogue between leading human rights theorists and high-level representatives of international human rights NGOs (INGOs). It is divided into three parts that reflect the major ethical challenges discussed at the workshops: the ethical challenges associated with interaction between relatively rich...
European broadcasting policy has attracted attention from many disciplines because it has dual nature: cultural and commercial. This book offers a detailed treatment of European broadcasting law, set against an overview of policy in this area. In this respect the authors identify tensions within the EU polity as regards the appropriate le...