The Global Corruption Report 2007 looks at how, why andcorruption mars judicial processes, and to reflect on remedies for corruption-tainted systems. The book focuses on judges and courts but situates them within the broader justice system - police, prosecutors, lawyers and agencies responsible for enforcing judicial decisions. It also lo...
Monografia de faţă consacrată contractului de rentă viageră şi contractului de întreţinere reprezintă o lucrare ştiinţifică valoroasă, de certă originalitate, consacrată unor instituţii de mare importanţă în dreptul civil.
Remarcăm de la încep...
Acest manual contine o evaluare a situatiei contemporane si a principalelor tendinte ale infractionalitatii legate de droguri in cadrul Uniunii Europene, a particularitatilor politicii si a legislatiei in vigoare in sfera luptei impotriva infractiunilor legate de stupefiante si substante psihotrope, atat la nivel national, cat si la cel s...
Which state has and should have the right and power to regulate which site and online event? Who can apply their defamation or contract law, obscenity standards, gambling or banking regulation, pharmaceutical licensing requirements or hate speech prohibitions to any particular Internet activity? Traditionally, transnational activity has b...
"sellier. european law publishers" in association with "themis cart".
Using a new conceptual framework, the author examines the processes of legal reform in post-socialist countries such as China. Drawing on Bourdieu's concept of the 'field', the increasingly complex and contested processes of legal reform are analysed in relation to police powers. The impact of China's post-1978 legal reforms on police pow...
Prezenta lucrare constituie o concretizare a preocupărilor, studiilor şi cercetărilor unui drept fundamental de natură socială, respectiv libertatea de asociere în sindicate.
Cercetarea juridică a subiectului cunoaşte două abordări:
Profesorul Ioan Muraru, în lucrarea sa „Drept co...
Mediation Law and Practice gives a thorough account of the practice of mediation from the perspective of the student and practitioner. Divided into two parts, it deals with both the practice of mediation and the law surrounding mediation. Touching on the theory and philosophy behind the practice, it further describes in a theoretical and...
Approximately 150 million people worldwide live in legal systems in which there is both a common law and a civil law content, yet there has been little comparative study of the experience of these ‘mixed jurisdictions’. Here, the author considers these jurisdictions in a comparative framework, which includes their founding and raisons...
Modele de contracte si alte acte juridice. Modele de cereri si modele de actiuni.
CD „Noutati privind aplicarea TVA de la 1 iulie 2010”
Contine noutatile aduse de O.U.G. nr. 54/2010 legislatiei privind aplicarea TVA referitoare la:
1. Inscrierea in Registrul operatorilor intracomunitari conform art. 1582 din Codul fiscal incepand cu data de 1 august 2010 pentru toate persoanele impozabile si n...