"...Romantismul nu s-a redus, însă, la cadrele literaturii şi artei, iar tipul său intelectual nu a exprimat (numai) un „program” estetic. Romantismul – ca gen de spiritualitate –, s-a extins şi asupra altor domenii ale culturii: filosofia (gândirea speculativă), ideologia (gândirea politică) ş...
S-ar putea cineva întreba dacă reeditarea unei cărţi scrise la început de secol XX, mai poate prezenta interes şi oportunitate la sfârşit de secol, atâta vreme cât situaţia istorică a îmbrăcat forme atât de diverse şi popoarele Europei au trecut prin cel puţin trei mari încercări; două războaie mondiale şi războiu...
Este o carte-manual pentru publicul din Romania in ceea ce priveste complexa problematica a terorismului. Cartea prezinta un istoric si definita curenta a terorismului, precum si principalele grupari teroriste din lume, organizarea acestora, modul de operare si de finantare, liderii care le conduc, etc. Este examinat pericolul prezentat d...
With the forces of globalization as a backdrop, this casebook develops labor and employment law in the context of the national laws of nine countries important to the global economy - the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, France, China, Japan and India. These national jurisdictions are highlighted by considering international labor standar...
The Iron Rhine Arbitration (or ‘Jzeren Rijn’ as it is known in Dutch) decided, in 2005, a dispute between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the reactivation of the Iron Rhine railway linking the port of Antwerp, Belgium, to the Rhine Basin in Germany across certain parts of Dutch territory. The Arbit...
This book examines the electoral rights granted to those who do not have the nationality of the state in which they reside, within the European Union and its Member States. It looks at the rights of EU citizens to vote and stand in European Parliament elections and local elections wherever they live in the EU, and at casesMember States of...
As part of the international presence in the Western Balkans, the EU adopted sanctions, brokered political agreements, launched its first police and military missions and directed economic, legal and administrative reforms to eradicate the root causes of instability. Yet, despite the comprehensive nature of the EU’s involvement, its str...