Codul muncii cu modificarile si completarile succesive. Modele de contracte. Modele de actiuni.
ADUS LA ZI, 2007.
"sellier. european law publishers" in association with "themis cart".
"sellier. european law publishers" in association with "themis cart".
This publication assists readers (be they academics, students, practitioners, experts or migrants themselves) to better orientate themselves in the web of norms and principles existing at the international level. The focus of the compendium is on bringing together a comprehensive compilation of universal instruments with varying degrees o...
This publication assists readers (be they academics, students, practitioners, experts or migrants themselves) to better orientate themselves in the web of norms and principles existing at the international level. The focus of the compendium is on bringing together a comprehensive compilation of universal instruments with varying degrees o...
Providing a detailed analysis of the legal principles in England & Wales, this book looks at governing compensation claims for the lasting trauma caused by child abuse. Its pages discuss the merits and demerits of different forms of action as mechanisms for imposing liability for abuse, how compensable psychiatric damage can be proved and...
Written by a leading authority on the topic, Competition Law and Policy in the Middle East examines and critically analyses the development and role of competition law and policy in one of the most interesting regions of the world. This is the first book of its kind - to date this topic has not received sufficient attention, nor has it be...
A majority of crimes today involve some form of electronic evidence. Computer Forensics For Dummies is a nuts-and-bolts guide that shows readers how to prepare for and conduct computer forensics investigations involving electronic evidence in actual practice.
This book is a contribution to the evolving transatlantic dialogue on the conflict of laws as well as a tribute to Professor Arthur von Mehren from the Harvard Law School. It contains ten contributions that discuss the problems conflict of laws is facing in a globalized world. The first five contributions deal with current legal topics in...
Volumul Consideratii teoretice si practice asupra caducitatii contractului, analizeaza din punctul de vedere al dreptului civil atat cel romanesc, cat si dreptului comparat caducitatea contractului. Volumul priveste aspectele de doctrina si jurisprudenta ale caducitatii, cazurile de caducitate nefondata, realizand delimitari fata de alte...